On behalf of the Kids’ Chance of NJ Board and Bowling Committee.
We would like to thank our sponsors and attendees for coming out on Thursday, March 12th to support Kids’ Chance of NJ. There was an overwhelming turn out of 150 people, who together raised over twelve thousand dollars. We are proud to announce that 100% of the money raised will go towards the future of NJ children who have had parents catastrophically or fatally injured on the job.
Fundraising is essential to achieve the financial resources necessary to fulfill our mission; providing scholarships to children of catastrophically and fatally injured workers’. With that in mind, raising awareness is also of the utmost importance to us. Since inception in 2012, we have granted over $65k in scholarship funds. In order to continue our mission, we need your help to identify potential scholarship applicants. Industry employers, attorneys, claims professionals and nurse case managers who are in direct contact with eligible families are key to spreading the word about Kids’ Chance of NJ. Please contact us at info@kidschancenj.org to nominate a scholarship recipient.
*Eligible children who are not yet ready to enter college will be placed in our database. They will be contacted once eligible.
Thank you to our sponsors!!!
Congratulations to the “Best Dressed Team”
AmTrust “A” Team

Congratulations to all of our Trophy Winners!