Ashley McDuffie

Good evening, my name is Ashley McDuffie and I am what some people classify as strong woman. I’ve faced some difficult obstacles in life that I never thought I would be able to speak about today. I am 22 years old, a full-time student, and working in office part time at the Shauger Group, a construction company where I serve as an Office Assistant. My responsibilities include certificate of insurance tracking, job file maintenance and various other clerical duties. I love fashion, modeling and wardrobe. I am a stern believer that appearance is a signature portraying someone’s character and personality. After graduation, I plan to follow my passion and be a nurse caring for newborns in the NICU.

Good evening, my name is Ashley McDuffie and I am what some people classify as strong woman. I’ve faced some difficult obstacles in life that I never thought I would be able to speak about today. I am 22 years old, a full-time student, and working in office part time at the Shauger Group, a construction company where I serve as an Office Assistant. My responsibilities include certificate of insurance tracking, job file maintenance and various other clerical duties. I love fashion, modeling and wardrobe. I am a stern believer that appearance is a signature portraying someone’s character and personality. After graduation, I plan to follow my passion and be a nurse caring for newborns in the NICU.
During my freshman and sophomore years of college, I attended County College of Morris where I began my studies on the path of becoming a registered nurse. I am now a junior at Bloomfield College, where I decided to change my major to psychology
studying behavior and mental processes. Before making this decision, I brainstormed and there are more young people as well as adults who may find life circumstances hard to process but with the help of myself, someone who has experience, I will be able to help other people change their outlook of a bad situation to a better state of mind. Once I receive my degree in this field, I will go back and finish my studies as a registered nurse.
In 2012, my family faced a dreadful tragedy. As many of you know that was the year when hurricane Sandy occurred. Due to work requirements, my dad drowned trying to move his car to a safer area when things began to get bad. Water overtaking the car, he was found dead several hours later. Waiting hours for his return home, he never showed up. Police came to inform us that there has been an accident with my dad, advising us to go to the hospital because he was already placed in the morgue. Till this day and days to come there will always be an empty place in my heart, but knowing he was one of my biggest supporters, I continue to push harder to make him proud. As a result I am currently working on a book that will encourage and help individuals get through any circumstances they face and still conquer their dreams.
This accident affected me as well as my family, especially financially. A sudden tragedy that happened and it left my mom helpless when responsible to pay all the bills and tuition on her own. Recently getting laid off from her job of 18 years, she struggles to make ends meet for her children and grandchildren as much as she can. I am greatly appreciative of the KCNJ Organization in assisting me with further education and helping me to achieve my goals and dreams in life.
Furthermore, I am honored to receive the Kanwisher / Burton Agency and KCNJ Scholarship. It is only because of their generosity that I am able to continue with my education. I follow the motto, “success is key” and with success, education is one of the requirements to being a successful woman. With that being said, granting me this opportunity will lessen the stressful financial headaches and worries; there are no other setbacks! I will strive to be the best. Once again I sincerely thank you for thinking of me, helping me as well as my family with my career goals.